Following Jesus

Following Jesus

Trusting Jesus

Two great moments in our lives are when we are born and when we discover why we were born. We were created for a reason — a divine purpose. Our lives are not accidents or fate. God has a personal plan for each of us. His purpose in our lives can only be accomplished as we are in relationship with Jesus.

We believe the biggest decision a person will ever make is deciding whether or not to follow Jesus. If you want to trust Jesus with your life, we would love to help you.

First, its important to know that God has been planning this moment for your entire life. He has been pursuing you more than you know. The bible says that God works all things together for our good. So even in the darkest circumstances and moments, He has the power to change things. Now is the time to come home to God and let go of your life, trust Jesus.

When Jesus died on the cross He didn’t just die for you, He died as you. He took your place. He took the penalty for our sin and died a sinner’s death.  But because He was without sin, death could not hold him and he raised up three days later! It was for the joy set before him that he went to the cross. That joy was your redemption! Sin at its root is living life apart from God. But living with Jesus there is life, and life abundant!

If you are ready to break free from a life of sin and pain, simply turn to Jesus and invite him into your heart. Right now, close your eyes and imagine Jesus sitting before you. Say a simple prayer like this: “Jesus, I don’t want to live like this anymore. Forgive me for living life my way apart from you. Please come and live inside of me and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for taking my sins at the cross and for not giving up on me. Now Lord, I surrender all of me to know you better. I give you the keys to my heart and my life. Fill me now with your power and love.”

Friend, if you prayed and ask Jesus to come live inside of you the bible says that you have just been born again! He remembers your sin no more! And Jesus will never leave or forsake you! To start your new life with God, pull up a chair and put it in front of you. I want you to imagine Jesus sitting there. Ask Him what He thinks about you and write down what He says!

Getting Started

Here is a message from Sr. Pastor Jim Baker on what is means to follow Jesus that will encourage you and help you get started. Listen to it and share your decision to follow Jesus with us by completing the form below! We would love to reach out to you to further help you get started!

Thanks for getting in touch!