Our Passion
To transform and equip people to supernaturally demonstrate God’s kingdom in their sphere of influence.
Our Pursuit
Zion operates differently than many churches. Here are some word pictures to help you see what we are about:
* A hammer and a chisel. Some churches use people to carve out a great church. We use church to carve out a great people.
* A terrorist training camp to destroy the works of the devil. That’s right, we are on offense, not defense.
* Our mission: “On earth as it is in heaven.” If it doesn’t exist in heaven (sickness, disease, spiritual bondage, poverty, sin) then it should not be a way of life here.
* God is not just trying to get you into Heaven when you die; He is trying to get you into Heaven before you die. “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”—it’s available now through Jesus, and you can live in it if you want to.
* We are the opposite of the NFL. The NFL practices all week to play on Sundays. We practice on Sunday to play all week.
* We have moved from gathering around a sermon to gathering around His Presence.
* We believe that transformed people transform cities and influence nations. All of our efforts and environments go into producing people who are strong salt, bright light and leaven.
* We are not focused on gather, care and keep. We are focused on gather, train and send.
* Passion is contagious (so is doubt and unbelief). Our environments are full of passion, celebration, and testimonies. People in love can’t hide it.
If you come to Zion, you will grow in these five areas:
1. Best friends with Jesus
2. Naturally supernatural
3. Debt-free and outrageously generous
4. Kingdom family
5. Discover, develop & deploy your destiny
Here is a graphic that depicts what we are building.