Join us for a special Religion & Science-Oriented Q&A with neuroscientist Scott Symington, who travels to college campuses to discuss and answer questions pertaining to science & faith.
All are welcome and no registration is required.

While being raised Christian provided a foundation that never stops gracing my life with benefits, it did not prepare me to answer the skeptics’ questions that came through the media, friends, professors, etc. Some challenges seemed so strong, I didn’t have answers even being raised Christian, so the reality became clear: either God is not true, and my trouble-making self will certainly not waste any more time with religion, or God does exist, and finding what God exists and what relationship is expected is more important and impactful than anything else life can bring. The answers, which were easily found, and yet amazing, put me face-to-face with the reality of God, which leads inevitably to great improvement in my daily life, relationship with God, and ability to carry out God’s call on all of us to share this relationship with those around us, which is why I put so much into this work, because I can’t think of people missing out on this.
Scott’s unique background in applied science and education leadership results in audiences receiving powerful and easy to use answers in an exciting coverage of the biggest issues in science and Christianity. After receiving graduate degrees in both radiological physics and education leadership (graduating with highest distinction in each), Scott is currently a medical physicist at a cancer center and adjunct physics professor, and working in numerous capacities demonstrating how science provides amazing hard evidence pointing directly to the biblical God.
While we may feel safer than Daniel, we are already in a lions’ den, and while the predators in our culture are more subtle, the tremendous damage to Christians is tragically occurring in every church. For example, studies show the majority of our Christian youth will leave the faith shortly after leaving home, and primary reasons given are due to not having answers to questions or reasons to support their belief. Amazing answers to the toughest questions, and reasons you can use to simply and confidently support your belief are part of Scott’s classes, and will make you Too Dangerous for the Predators.