The Well (18-29) will be having their first ever immersion weekend with special guest Matt Hanna on March 18th-19th! This weekend will be a special time to consecrate ourselves before the Lord as the young adult community of Zion pursues God’s heart for Columbus!
DAY ONE: Friday March 18th The Well will be meeting for a night of worship and word with Matt Hanna at 7pm!
Matt Hanna is an evangelist from Orange County, California and is currently based in Tulsa, OK at Oral Roberts University studying business and ministry where he catalyzes high schoolers and young adults alike in the midsouth region in evangelism and urban outreach. Matt carries a heart for the harvest and burns to see a generation encounter the love of God. When he was 14 years old, he had an encounter with the love of God that changed his life forever and now he desires to see a generation experience the same!
You do NOT want to miss out on this powerful night with the Lord!

DAY TWO: On Saturday, March 19th at 10am we will be meeting at Zion Christian Fellowship we will be doing a brief evangelism and ministry training time and then we will be going out across Columbus and the surrounding areas to minister to people and bring forth the Kingdom in our city!
If you have been wanting to learn more about evangelism, grow in practical ministry and step outside of your comfort zone this is the perfect event for you.
You do not have to be a young adult to come to this outreach-this is an amazing activity to do as a family or with friends!
If you have any questions about this weekend please reach out to [email protected]