Sermons by Jim Baker (Page 27)
Zion Senior Leader
Part 8 – Sword of the Spirit
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 7: The Helmet of Salvation
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 6: The Shield of Faith
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 5: The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 4: The Breastplate of Righteousness
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 3: The Belt of Truth
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 2: God is a Warrior
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 1: The Victory of Jesus
Part of the “Spiritual Warfare” series by Jim Baker.
Part 5: Relationally
Part of the “Be Made Whole” series by Jim Baker
Part 4: Physically
Part of the “Be Made Whole” series by Jim Baker.