Join us for a weekend of Healing and Encounter with Chris Gore!
March 23-25:
Friday at 7pm
Saturday at 10am & 6pm
Sunday at 10am & 5pm (CSSM)
Open to all and there is no cost.
Love offerings will be taken.
No childcare provided.
About Chris and Liz Gore:
Both Chris and Liz were born and raised in New Zealand. Chris was a Pastor in Auckland for 6 years from the year 2000. Chris and Liz also have 3 amazing daughters, Charlotte, Emma and Sophie.
They have believed in healing for many years but up to 2005 had failed to see anybody healed even after praying for close to 1000 people. In 2005 Chris had an incredible encounter with God and he saw his first person instantly healed. In 2006 Chris went on a missions trip to India with Randy Clark and saw many thousands of people healed by the power of Jesus, including many blind eyes opening, deaf ears been unstopped, the lame walking and cancer tumors dissolving in his hands.
This reality of the gospel impacted Chris and Liz and they continue to push forward to see nothing but an authentic gospel displayed through the lives of all believers and the extravagant love of the father poured out to Christians and Pre-Christians. In mid 2005 God spoke clearly to the family to sell everything that they had and to take a season at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Bethel Church in Redding, California, USA to equip them with the necessary tools to take revival to the nations of the world. Chris graduated BSSM and is now working at Bethel in a Pastoral/Overseer role as the Director of Healing Ministries. They continue to see God’s healing touch poured out through their lives with seeing many people healed, the blind and deaf are healed, cancers disappear and pains dissolve at the name of Jesus. This is the normal part of Christian living!
In addition to having a passion to see the sick healed, they have a burning desire to see all believers walk in the Power and Love of JESUS. It must be natural for every believer to walk in the supernatural power of the Gospel. For too long the church has walked in religion and powerlessness and preached a Gospel of salvation. We are called to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. As believers we are all called to heal the sick and walk in the full inheritance that JESUS left for us.
They both want to see this revival fire spread to every nation of the world, the gospel of the kingdom preached to all nations and the world impacted by the Power and Love of JESUS as they minister and co-labour with Holy Spirit. The Kingdom is in you, so that it can be released through you! Their hearts are to see God’s people released to a revelation of “CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY”
There is one thing that they love more than all this and that is experiencing the presence of JESUS. Knowing that they are loved so wildly by an extravagant God, loving him back and knowing that His Kingdom is within them to release to others. They also love seeing other people experience the reality of the presence of God and seeing God touch them and experiencing his Power, Love and Joy.
Chris has ministered internationally in Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, England, Brazil, Switzerland, Netherlands, USA, Norway, Mexico, Mozambique, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Guatemala and Ecuador and ministers across denominational lines.